Monday, April 21, 2008

Afterlife Drama

"Here's a story about a sad tragic king,
who is now just a shell of a man...

Sings songs, leads zombies with his voice
and strokes The Lady with his idle hand.

So be careful when the chord is struck,
cause he'll steal your soul forever and make you a ghoul...

This song is called the afterlife drama,
so every boy, girl, and freak stay tuned."


Fedra said...

Mis ojos siempre bien abiertos cada vez que se abre tu blog.

Mel Maduro said...


Unknown said...

Awesome character design!

Reezo Rocks said...

thanks guys!

Mike Vatcher said...

holy crap man...stop getting so dang good

luis espinosa said...

WOW.. these are AMAZING!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very Nice! I enjoy this design something great!

Alexiev said...

Che, que buen personaje... fantastico... me gusta su guitarra/espada...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

Proyectos - Illustrations

Alexiev Store - venta de originales

kanishk said...

awesome job! very cool designs.
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